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If it’s not racism, what is it?

If it’s not racism, what is it?

by digby

And she’s only 22:

The Turlock, Calif., woman who made headlines for her controversial Facebook post last week is now rethinking her actions.

Frustrated by President Barack Obama’s reelection Tuesday night, the 22-year-old woman voiced her displeasure in an angry post that was quickly picked up by national news outlets. “Another 4 years of this (N-word),” Helms wrote. “Maybe he will get assassinated this term.”

But that’s not racist or anything:

“It does [sound like I’m a racist],” Helms said, “but I am not. That’s what everyone’s been telling me, ‘You know, what you said sounded so racist,’ and it does, and you know, I take it back. If I could erase what I said, I would.”

I am actually comforted by the fact that this obnoxious young woman is a racist because it’s even more frightening to think that level of hatred sprang from something rational.


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