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ICYMI: Another GOP lawmaker demonstrating that he’s colorblind

ICYMI: Another GOP lawmaker demonstrating that he’s colorblind

by digby

This was sent out on December 28th by a powerful Wisconsin Republican.

Why Must We Still Hear About Kwanzaa?

Madison: Why are hard-core left wingers still trying to talk about Kwanzaa – the supposed African-American holiday celebration between Christmas and New Year’s?

As has been well publicized, Kwanzaa is not some African or African-American tradition. It was invented in 1966 by Ron Karenga, a 1960s radical leader and founder of something called the “US Organization”. This group, often referred to as the “United Slaves” is even more radical than the Black Panthers. The United Slaves killed two Black Panther members and Karenga himself wound up going to prison for assaulting some of his own members.

Karenga was a racist and didn’t like the idea that Christ died for all of our sins,so he felt blacks should have their own holiday – hence, Kwanzaa.

Of course, almost no black people today care about Kwanzaa – just white left-wingers who try to shove this down black people’s throats in an effort to divide Americans. Irresponsible public school districts such as Green Bay and Madison (and who knows how many others, see links below) try to tell a new generation that blacks have a separate holiday than Christians. Waring Fincke, left-wing West Bend lawyer and vice chair of the Washington County Democratic Party, encouraged people to learn more about Kwanzaa in a column in July.

Fortunately, almost all black people ignore Waring Fincke and his ilk and their efforts to divide Americans. But why do they do it? They don’t like America and seek to destroy it by pretending that its values as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, don’t apply to everyone. Mainstream Americans must be more outspoken on this issue. It’s time it’s slapped down once and for all.

With tens of millions of honorable black Americans in our country’s past, we should not let a violent nut like Karenga speak for them. (By the way, after getting out of prison he was hired as a professor at California State Long Beach. When are we going to stop funding left wing nuts at our public universities?) The churches ought to be particularly appalled since Karenga thought Christmas was a white religion and was trying to draw black people from it.

Be on the lookout if a K-12 or college teacher tries to tell your children or grandchildren it’s a real holiday.

People were not amused, needless to say. However:

West Bend Republican Senator Glenn Grothman said Wednesday he refuses to apologize for his beliefs after making comments about the holiday Kwanzaa.

But then he’s never apologized for this either:

Grothman has argued that Martin Luther King, Jr. Day should not be a work holiday, calling the day off “an insult to all the other taxpayers around the state”.

Fortunately, racism is dead so we needn’t worry about that, but it is odd that someone who believes so fervently in liberty would seek to stifle people’s freedom to celebrate in whatever way they wish. Why the next thing you know, someone will start a war on Christmas — and then where will he be?


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