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Something depressing, and not so depressing, by @DavidOAtkins

Something depressing, and not so depressing

by David Atkins

If you want to feel depressed this Sunday morning, head over and read Matt Taibbi’s excellent expose on the grand fraud perpetrated by the government and the too-big-to-fail banks over the last five years. As we all know but Taibbi lays out in simple terms, our government has been using the treasury as a means of making a direct wealth transfer to taxpayers to reckless banks, thereby keeping the executives rolling in millions, increasing income inequality, papering over poor business practices by the banks, and making the economy even more vulnerable to another crash to boot.

I’m not even going to bother quoting from it, as no quote would do it justice. Just head over and read the whole thing. Remember that it’s in the context of this pitchfork-worthy travesty of justice that wealthy finance-sector John Galts and their conservative allies are demanding major cuts to basic social services.

If you need something to lift your spirits after reading all of that, then here’s one of the more adorable pictures to come across my twitter of late:

Enjoy your Sunday, everyone.


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