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The most annoying conservative Democrat? Starts with E and ends with Rendell

The most annoying conservative Democrat? Starts with E and ends with Rendell

by digby

This is who the Democratic Party has representing them on MSNBC, day after day, after day. I give you Ed Rendell:

Rendell: Look, even if it means there are a few more Republicans in the Senate and the Congress, if they’re reasonable Republicans who are moderate-conservative then that’s a good prescription for America.

John Amato posted the whole daft exchange and adds some tart commentary, here. He notes:

Did it ever cross his mind to maybe mention that electing many more progressive Democratic politicians would be the best solution to the crisis?

No. Because, hippies and cheetos.

Now, I don’t much care about the partisan aspect of this per se. If the Republican Party boasted even one person who was as progressive as a progressive Democrat I’d be happy to endorse them. But it doesn’t. Electing more “moderate” Republicans (whatever that is) and conservatives will not help anything. In fact, our biggest problem at the moment is the the fact that we’re electing too many “moderate” and conservative Democrats. People like Ed Rendell.


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