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Tasers don’t rob people, people rob people

Tasers don’t rob people, people rob people

by digby

… and therefore protected by the 2nd Amendment? Because as much as I hate the idea that cops have these things, the idea that it’s ok to sell these torture devices to the general public is truly astonishing:

I was at the bus stop on the phone and he walked past me and we looked at each other. Next thing I know there is a taser on my face, on the side of my cheek. He tased me twice on the side of my face and then on my chest yelling give me your phone. The phone dropped and then he started grabbing my purse but I wouldn’t let go. I was screaming and people came out from the neighboring restaurants, shops and he ran down the street. He jumped in a Lexus (I think) SUV and a woman got his license plate number.

I suppose they’ll use the the same defense they always do. It was much better for her to be tasered than it was for her to be shot with a gun. Therefore, we should be happy that criminals have tasers.


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