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Thanking Jeff Merkley

Thanking Jeff Merkley

by digby

I wish more activist groups did this sort of thing. You simply have to reward effort in politics and let politicians know that they have support for their progressive initiatives even if they ultimately fail. Just beating up everyone all the time has limited efficacy after a while, especially in the liberal realm.

Last week’s filibuster reform deal fell far short of Sen. Jeff Merkley’s expectations, but the Oregon Democrat’s efforts to end the silent filibuster have not been left without reward.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC) on Monday said it has raised over $30,000 for Merkley’s 2014 reelection campaign. The fundraising was based on an email touting the senator’s refusal to back down from demands for more far-reaching reforms to the Senate rules, even when faced with opposition within his own caucus.

Merkley is one of the serious, strategic liberals in the congress who isn’t afraid to step up. It’s important to back him and I congratulate the PCCC for doing it. 30k is a big chunk of change even in this big money environment and it means something that it came from small donors. Good for them.

Update: And if you would like to give him a little boost through our Blue America page, please feel free to do so. We’ve been big fans and backers since his first run and we’re looking forward to doing so again in 2014.


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