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Those lazy Mexicans who are stealing all our jobs

Those lazy Mexicans who are stealing all our jobs

by digby

Rush followed up on his earlier comments to Marco Rubio with this slightly more explicit thesis about the good Latinos vs the bad Latinos:

[T]he way the Republicans are looking at it is that they think that Hispanic immigrants are made-to-order conservatives. For some reason, culturally, they think that they’re invested in hard work. And using the Cuban exile model, they’re exactly right. But the Hispanic demographic, if you will, or population, has shifted. And the Cuban exile model is no longer the dominant model. The Mexican immigrant model is. And that — they arrive with an entirely different view of America. And I’m sorry if this is offensive, but it’s true.

I’m not sure where Rush ever got the idea that the Cuban exiles were ever the dominant latinos in this country but I’m afraid he needs a geography lesson. Mexicans have always been the largest group and that’s for the obvious reason that we share a 2000 mile border with Mexico. Lots of Mexicans here — have been from the very beginning.

What Rush and right wingers insist upon is that the lazy Mexicans are here simultaneously stealing our good jobs and raking in big bucks cleverly exploiting the allegedly generous welfare system. For such lazy people they are surprisingly cunning and hard working. (Also too, they are dirty and stupid and are destroying our fine American culture.)

Just don’t call Rush and his right wing pals racist though because they are totally not. They love tacos. And salsa.


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