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“The proposals that I put forward during the Fiscal Cliff negotiations are still very much on the table”

“The proposals that I put forward during the Fiscal Cliff negotiations with Speaker Boehner and others are still very much on the table”

by digby

“… I just want to repeat. The deals that I put forward, the balanced approach of spending cuts and entitlement reform and tax reform that I put forward are still on the table.”

Hookay. We know that the proposals included hikes in the Medicare age and cuts to Veterans and Social Security benefits. (And it’s really curious why that last should be part of deficit discussions since, for the thousandth time, Social Security doesn’t contribute to the deficit.)

Anyway, it would seem that the presidents opening bid is “entitlement reform”, tax reform and spending cuts while the Republicans are saying they’re perfectly happy to let the sequester happen.

Golly, I wonder what a compromise between those two things would look like?


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