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They’re getting crispy

They’re getting crispy

by digby

Somebody needs to stop listening to Rush and drinking too much coffee:

Paul Guaschino was driving Friday when a fellow motorist spotted an “Impeach Obama” bumper sticker on the 62-year-old Connecticut resident’s vehicle.

According to cops, the other driver apparently did not appreciate the bumper sticker and “displayed his dislike by showing his middle finger.”

In response, Guaschino allegedly followed the other driver to a traffic light, where he exited his car–baseball bat in hand–and struck the trunk of the middle finger-waving driver. The second motorist “fled in fear of his safety,” police reported.

The cops have charged him, which is good.

But you have to love the irony of somebody exercising his freedom of speech, as he has every right to do, but gets enraged and violent when someone exercises theirs in response. I suppose it’s just intense frustration that, after all they’ve been told, the majority of the country doesn’t agree with them and actually thinks they’re jerks.

It’s easy to be jocular about an incident like this, which didn’t result in any bodily harm, but apparently that fellow who shot a school bus driver and kidnapped the little kid was also an angry “anti-government” type. These guys are always around, of course. But it seems as though they’e going into an active phase.


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