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They love the veterans to death

They love the veterans to death

by digby

Oh fergawdsakes:

Per Charles Johnson, this comes from Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft, and spread by Drudge all over the paranoid wingnut circuit.

Here’s the thing: it only applies to mentally ill veterans whose veteran’s benefits have been legally placed in a guardianship due to incompetence a somewhat salient fact omitted from Hoft’s “report.”

I’m quite sure there are some far right gun proliferation activists out there who think veterans with mental illness so severe they are unable to even handle their own money should nonetheless be allowed to purchase firearms, but I’m going to guess that most Americans see this as a prudent regulation. If only the right wing cared enough about these mentally ill veterans to agree to pay for the support they need. And they seem to be unaware of(or don’t care about) the monumentally high suicide rate among veterans. The only answer they seem to have for any problem these days is to arm everyone and let God sort it out later.


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