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“How shallow, smug, bitterly angry partisanship can blind you to common sense”

“How shallow, smug, bitterly angry partisanship can blind you to common sense”

by digby

This made my day already:

In the March 11 post, editor at large Larry O’Connor mocked the Pulitzer Prize winning economist and New York Times columnist for his alleged financial mismanagement. Unfortunately for O’Connor, the report that Krugman went bankrupt is clearly a joke and originated from the satirical website The Daily Currant. O’Connor has since deleted the post without explanation.

In his post, O’Connor jabbed Krugman for supposedly spending “$84,000 in one month” on Portuguese wines and “a dress from the Victorian period,” and concluded that “apparently this Keynsian [sic] thing doesn’t really work on the micro level.” O’Connor sourced the report to a post written by “Prudent Investor.” The post by “Prudent Investor” sources an Austrian website, which reprinted the original Daily Currant story.

Just last month, the Breitbart team laid into the Washington Post when the paper’s website adopted a satirical story about Sarah Palin from Daily Currant. In a post about the snafu, Breitbart blogger John Nolte ripped the paper for not letting “facts get in the way of a good Narrative.” Post blogger Suzi Parker offered a correction for her error, but the Breitbart team was not satisfied. According to Nolte, if Parker “had a shred of self-awareness, integrity, and dignity, she would have changed the headline to ‘Too Good To Check,’ and under it posted an essay about how shallow, smug, bitterly angry partisanship can blind you to common sense.”

I think they missed the real story. I’m fairly sure Krugman’s a “Friend of Hamas.”


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