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QOTD: Rand Paul

QOTD: Rand Paul

by digby

Despite his moments of lucidity on discrete issues, you can always count on Rand to make sure that nobody ever forgets that he’s essentially a putz:

“The Tea Party, I always say, is more like the American Revolution, and Occupy Wall Street is more the French Revolution,” Paul said.

“We hearken back to sort of rules. We weren’t unhappy with people just because they were rich; we weren’t happy with you if you were making money off of our taxes and we were bailing you out. If you were making $100 million, your bank goes bankrupt and all of a sudden we bail you out and you’re still making $100 million — that upset us.”

“I think Occupy Wall Street was more of a generic sort of, ‘We just hate people who have any money, and why can’t they give it to us?’ kind of thing,” he said.

We can be grateful that he’s against the president ordering their assassination by drones. On civil liberties, one must take the support where one can — it’s not as if most people give a damn about that stuff. But unfortunately, that’s about it.


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