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Blue light special on word salad at Chick-fil-a

Blue light special on word salad at Chick-fil-a

by digby

Poor Arizona. Doesn’t it have enough right wingers? Now the fairweather Alaskan snowbirds are showing up:

Wearing a studded black belt and jeans, the 49-year-old former Republican vice presidential nominee went to see the Suns play the Minnesota Timberwolves at the US Airways Center in Phoenix. The Suns lost 117-86.

Chick-fil-A became the subject of controversy and boycotts after chief operating officer Dan Cathy made a series of public comments opposing same-sex marriage. The chain has donated millions of dollars to anti-gay-marriage groups like the Marriage & Family Foundation and the Family Research Council over the years.

Palin, speaking in her native Martian, earlier explained to Fox News that she supported the Chick-fil-a CEO’s anti-gay marriage stance:

“I’m speaking up for him and his First Amendment rights and anybody else who would wish to express their not-anti-gay-people sentiment but their support of traditional marriage, which President Obama and Joe Biden, they both supported the exact same thing until just a few months ago, when Obama had to flip-flop to shore up the homosexual voter base,” Palin told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren.

I’m sorry, I don’t speak that language so I have no idea what she was saying, but by wearing the t-shirt she is clearly showing her support for Chick-fil-a. Perhaps she just likes to go about in public expressing her deep love for the sandwiches, but I kind of doubt it. She just loves to make trouble.


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