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Chris Hayes’ adios to the early crowd

Chris’ adios

by digby

A nice sign off from Chris Hayes this morning. I think that those who are concerned that he won’t have the concern for labor that Ed brought to his show will be heartened to hear his words:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I’m looking forward to his new show. I don’t often watch MSNBC in the 8 O’clock hour. But I’ll make a point of it now.

I understand why people are nervous about a change to week-days, but I’m confident that Hayes can thread that needle. He has the rare depth of knowledge required to take the days events and give them thoughtful context. And we need that.

Meanwhile, I’ve often tweeted “thank God for Kornacki” as I watched The Cycle during the day. (He’s the only one I’ve ever seen go up in perennial guest Ed Rendell’s face when he starts in on his corporate sponsored “Fix the Debt” rap.) He has been, by far, the best host of the daytime line-up, in my opinion, and I’m glad to see him get a shot.


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