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Go Bernie Part XXII

Go Bernie Part XXII

by digby

Earlier this week, the Senate held a voice vote on the Chained-CPI and it was defeated. It’s unfortunate that they didn’t have a roll call so we know exactly which way the wind is blowing, but this was heartening nonetheless. They aren’t ready to take that plunge publicly and hopefully they never will be.

Bernie Sanders gave a rip-roaring half hour speech on the floor. You should listen to the whole thing here. I’ve excerpted on of the best points he made, here:

Howie writes:

The AARP hailed the vote on Sanders’ amendment: “With the adoption of Senator Sanders’ amendment, the Senate makes clear the need to protect retirees, veterans and others from an unwarranted cut to their benefits. Much more than a mere technical adjustment or a ‘tweak,’ the chained CPI would, over the next ten years, take a combined $146 billion out of the pockets of America’s veterans and seniors who are already living on tight budgets.” […]

Sanders’ office explained the parameters of what using the Chained CPI would do– whether it gets signed by a President Barack Obama, a President Mitt Romney or… a President Ted Cruz. And it isn’t just the 3.2 million disabled vets who would suffer. Yes, veterans who started receiving VA disability benefits at age 30 would have their benefits reduced by $1,425 at age 45, $2,341 at age 55 and $3,231 at age 65, and benefits for more than 350,000 surviving spouses and children who have lost a loved one in battle also would be cut. Dependency Indemnity Compensation benefits already average less than $17,000 a year. If that wasn’t bad enough, adopting a Chained CPI scheme would devastate the standard of living of 55 million retirees, widows, orphans and disabled Americans who receive Social Security. It would cut Social Security benefits for average senior citizens who are 65 by more than $650 a year by the time they are 75 years old, and by more than $1,000 once they reach 85. This is what Boehner, Ryan and Miss McConnell are fighting for– but why is Obama going along with this relentless attack on seniors?

Actually, he’s the one who’s fighting for this more than anyone. Why? A question for the ages. He seems to really believe in it.


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