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The forgiveness of big money, by @DavidOAtkins

The forgiveness of big money

by David Atkins

This is rich:

Republican fundraisers say the changing views of gay marriage in their party could unlock big money from GOP donors in places like New York, California and Florida — where some Republicans have kept their checkbooks closed over what they saw as misplaced priorities, at best, or intolerance, at worst, at the highest ranks of the party.

Several Republicans pointed to Sen. Rob Portman’s switch in support of gay marriage as a watershed moment for the party. And more than two dozen high-profile Republicans asked the Supreme Court to back gay rights. And even Foster Friess, Rick Santorum’s top benefactor, has softened his stance on domestic partnership.

The fact that democracy is so blatantly for sale is a travesty. The notion that after decades of hatred and discrimination against LGBT Americans, the Bloomberg types will suddenly find it in their hearts to forgive and back Republicans again is appalling.

On the positive side, it’s another sign that Confederate values are giving way to a more ecumenical conventional wisdom embracing social liberalism alongside economic conservatism. That’s nice and all, but the nation is in only marginally better shape under the thumb of the Bloombergs of the world than under the Huckabees and Santorums.


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