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They’re coming for your knives too folks

They’re coming for your knives too folks

by digby

This is real:

The paid lobbyists for American Knife & Tool Institute, Victorinox Swiss Army and the Leatherman Tool Group were “instrumental” in getting the TSA to adopt a policy for their benefit. So it’s not about TSA’s “lack of resources” to keep aviation secure, but rather corporate profits for those who stand to benefit from this new policy.

Rep. Matt Salmon is pushing support for TSA’s change among his colleagues in the House. is conveniently headquartered in his district. “Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz) is calling on his House colleagues to support the TSA policy allowing small knives onto aircraft, despite efforts from dozens of others in Congress to reverse this decision.” (From The Hill, APRIL 2, 2013)

“Knife Rights is doing its part. Knife Rights Chairman Doug Ritter and his Congressman, Rep. Matt Salmon, discussed this issue at length while attending the Monkey Muster, a knife event held recently by Knife Rights supporter Monkey Edge in Mesa, AZ. Rep. Salmon is a knife collector and enthusiast. He promised he’d stand strong against any effort to rescind the rules.” (, APRIL 2, 2013)

“The American Knife & Tool Institute, Victorinox Swiss Army and the Leatherman Tool Group were instrumental in getting TSA to adopt the change. Contact your legislators, let them know you support the TSA.” (, APRIL 2, 2013)

Yes, there is a group called “Knife Rights.” They have a magazine and everything. And they are endorsed by all the important patriots:

“Knife Rights is the Second Front in Defense of the Second Amendment. They are the premier grassroots organization protecting our right to own knives. Those who love freedom need Knife Rights, so please join me in supporting their mission.”

— Wayne LaPierre, Exec. VP & CEO, NRA

I just don’t know what to say…


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