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Liberal Hollywood strikes again

Liberal Hollywood strikes again

by digby

Robin Marty has the lowdown on the latest left wing atrocity polluting the minds of your teenagers:

“I Hate the Government” follows three young adults who say they don’t trust the government and have joined groups to “reform” it: a teenage Tea Party activist, a young woman trying to break into the militia movement, and an anti-choice extremist.

(The relevant portion of the episode begins at about 17:30.)

The show follows Andrew Beacham, who believes the current government needs to be tossed aside because it has abandoned the Bible. In watching the show, however, it becomes clear that the 28-year-old activist really is there simply to give camera time to former Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry. Beacham, as Terry’s acolyte, is shown protesting with him, creating graphic abortion campaign ads, and even moving into a group home where the goal is to find a way to end all abortion.

But it’s not just abortion that they are targeting. Terry makes it clear that to be truly “pro-life,” you have to outlaw anything that will allow someone to have sex without risking pregnancy, childbirth, or parenthood—even if that means putting women in jail for avoiding pregnancy.

The whole thing is unbelievable creepy and not just the anti-abortion/birth control stuff, although that’s probably the most extreme.(And it’s also the most irresponsible to broadcast to teen-agers. The last thing they need is more disinformation about birth control.)

I’m reminded, once again, that Network was prescient. Back in the 70s it made some sense that the ambitious, amoral programmer would create a reality show featuring left wing radicals but as was always far more likely, right wing revolutionaries are far more likely to make the kind of lucrative deals Chayevsky imagined.


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