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Low life trash on Fox update

Low life trash on Fox update

by digby

They just have no limits, do they?

TANTAROS: I mean look, if the president is going to talk about his daughters, typically I would not talk about the daughters, unless, of course, they go to the Bahamas on spring break and we have to pay for it and I think it’s wrong, which I do. But they’re not grown women. So I’m just wondering, at 15 years old, is the Obama daughter, Malia, going to go on birth control? Are they gonna put her on birth control? Because he’s very concerned with the contraceptives and pharmaceuticals that are going in the mouths of everybody else’s 15-year old daughter.

But it’s definitely collectivism, right? “It takes a village.” Do you hear it, everybody? “It takes a village to raise your kids.” President Obama is now the parent-in-chief. Kathleen Sebelius is raising your kids. Joe Biden is raising your kids. Oh not even, it doesn’t stop there. It’s not kids. They consider 15-year olds to be women. They want to tell grown women what to do. They know how grown women feel. They have no idea how women feel. They should stop talking about it, because they have no clue.

I’m not one to say that certain topics shouldn’t ever be discusses (and the administration’s paternalistic policy does raise questions.) But this approach to the issue is so tasteless that it really takes a special kind of social depravity to talk about it in these terms. All it does is tickle the lurid lizard brain of the average right wing audience member in a particular offensive way.

That incoherent rant is an unfortunate window into the increasingly unhinged minds of Fox News pundits. Glenn Beck must be so confused about why he was singled out for censure.


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