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Armchair activism on the bosses dime: International Labor Rights

Armchair activism on the bosses dime: International Labor Rights

by digby

Take a little break from work right now and go to this link, read a bit about this initiative and if you are persuaded, sign the petition. It will only cost you a couple of minutes.

The number of workers reported dead in the Rana Plaza building collapse in Dhaka, Bangladesh, has risen to over 800, with scores of workers still unaccounted for. This disaster comes just five months after the fire at Tazreen, which killed 112 workers. Meanwhile, many global corporations are keeping their audits secret, refusing to pay compensation to victims, and ignoring known solutions that could put an end to preventable murders in their supply chains.

Please join us this May in a Month of Action to Stop the Murders of Garment Workers and push for meaningful corporate accountability throughout global supply chains. Please call on the largest buyers of clothing from Bangladesh to adopt real fire and building safety, before the next disaster strikes. Get involved:

Sign our petition to H&M, Walmart and Gap
Take action at a Gap store near you
Donate to ILRF

There is lots more here on their “what you can do”page if you would like to get more involved.


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