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Let the 2016 campaign begin

Let the 2016 campaign begin

by digby

Here we go. Karl Rove is on the case:

I have no idea whether Hicks is a disgruntled wingnut or if he’s telling the truth. His rather sanctimonious testimony yesterday doesn’t exactly lend itself to credibility, but who knows? I assume that at some point, someone will have the balls to speak out publicly without the shield of anonymity and we’ll find out.

I also don’t think it matters. Libya was a war zone and therefore, a dangerous place and the fact that American embassy personnel got killed there is tragic, but unsurprising and hardly unprecedented. The administration had no reason to cover up anything — until the right turned it into their White(water) Whale, no one would have ever suspected a cover-up was even necessary.

If you are looking for a level-headed take on the matter that won’t make your head hurt, check out this brief re-cap by Kevin Drum.

h/t to Greg Mitchell


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