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Somebody hasn’t worked in the private sector in a very long long time

Somebody hasn’t worked in the private sector in a very long long time

by digby

Here’s a perfect example of why most people know in their gut that Washington is full of a bunch of out-of-touch elites who haven’t the vaguest clue about how the constituents actually live.

I give you Mitch McConnell talking about the scourge of Obamacare today:

“Women could be forced off plans they currently have and like in order to get cancer screenings or other preventive care.”

That’s terrible. Except for the fact that it happens virtually every time you change jobs, it would be quite the scandal. After all, the vast majority of Americans often have to change plans, get new doctors, find new pharmacies, all of that when they change employers.

And guess what, sometimes it results in … a better plan! And yes, sometimes, unfortunately, it results in a worse plan. The good news is that under Obamacare, all plans are going to have to cover basic screenings and preventive care so when you change plans it’s less likely that you’ll lose something you already have.

So Mitch McConnell is full of it as usual. But them he’s been on the very generous federal health plan for decades which allows you to stay on the same insurance if you want to no matter what job you have in the government. Out here in the world of the job creators, “switching plans” is an unfortunate fact of life. I have no doubt that a lot of people would love to just have one plan and be able to keep it their whole lives no matter who they work for or where they live. Sadly, nobody cares to create a health care system that could do that. Least of all, Mitch McConnell. Because socialism.


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