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God hates us for our freedom

God hates us for our freedom

by digby

I guess Michele Bachman has answered the question as to why “they” hate us: they are just following God’s orders:

Bachmann: It’s no secret that our nation may very well be experiencing the hand of judgment. It’s no secret that we all are concerned that our nation may be in a time of decline. If that is in fact so, what is the answer? The answer is what we are doing here today: humbling ourselves before an almighty God, crying out to an almighty God, saying not of ourselves but you, would you save us oh God? We repent of our sins, we turn away from them, we seek you, we seek your ways. That’s something that we’re doing today, that we did on the National Day of Prayer, it’s something that we have chosen to do as well on another landmark day later this year on September 11. Our nation has seen judgment not once but twice on September 11. That’s why we’re going to have ‘9/11 Pray’ on that day. Is there anything better that we can do on that day rather than to humble ourselves and to pray to an almighty God?

There was a time when people were pilloried by the right for even suggesting that the United States might have been “asking for it.” (Remember this poor obscure professor who thought tenure meant you had academic freedom?)

What I find interesting about this is that Michelle Bachman is a big Christian — but she seems to be saying that God is Muslim. At least one could easily assume that he must be sympathetic to Muslims, don’t you think? Either that or God is a comedian, messing with poor Michele’s head and laughing behind her back.


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