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RNC’s Florida Hispanic Outreach Director Leaves the GOP, by @DavidOAtkins

RNC’s Florida Hispanic Outreach Director Leaves the GOP

by David O. Atkins

When the Republican National Committee wanted to improve its fortunes among Hispanics in Florida, they picked acclaimed National Guardsman and veteran Pablo Pantoja to help them out. It doesn’t look like they’ll be able to count on his help anymore. An excerpt from his letter:

Yes, I have changed my political affiliation to the Democratic Party.

It doesn’t take much to see the culture of intolerance surrounding the Republican Party today. I have wondered before about the seemingly harsh undertones about immigrants and others. Look no further; a well-known organization recently confirms the intolerance of that which seems different or strange to them.

Studies geared towards making – human beings – viewed as less because of their immigrant status to outright unacceptable claims, are at the center of the immigration debate. Without going too deep on everything surrounding immigration today, the more resounding example this past week was reported by several media outlets.

A researcher included as part of a past dissertation his theory that “the totality of the evidence suggests a genetic component to group differences in IQ.” The researcher reinforces these views by saying “No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against.”

Although the organization distanced themselves from those assertions, other immigration-related research is still padded with the same racist and eugenics-based innuendo. Some Republican leaders have blandly (if at all) denied and distanced themselves from this but it doesn’t take away from the culture within the ranks of intolerance. The pseudo-apologies appear to be a quick fix to deep-rooted issues in the Republican Party in hopes that it will soon pass and be forgotten.

The complete disregard of those who are in disadvantage is also palpable. We are not looking at an isolated incident of rhetoric or research. Others subscribe to motivating people to action by stating, “In California, a majority of all Hispanic births are illegitimate. That’s a lot of Democratic voters coming.” The discourse that moves the Republican Party is filled with this anti-immigrant movement and overall radicalization that is far removed from reality. Another quick example beyond the immigration debate happened during CPAC this year when a supporter shouted ““For giving him shelter and food for all those years?” while a moderator explained how Frederick Douglass had written a letter to his slave master saying that he forgave him for “all the things you did to me.” I think you get the idea.

When the political discourse resorts to intolerance and hate, we all lose in what makes America great and the progress made in society.

Although I was born an American citizen, I feel that my experience, and that of many from Puerto Rico, is intertwined with those who are referred to as illegal.

We all know political fortunes can change, realignments happen, no party is dominant for long, etc. But so long as Republicans continue to depend on racism for their base votes (and they can’t really do without it), their electoral hill is going to become steeper and steeper. Because of gerrymandering they’ll have a good shot at keeping the House for the next 8 years. But 2022, the first election after the next census and redistricting, looms over them menacingly.

The last 40 years may well have belonged to conservatives. But the next 40 should provide a pendulum swing back toward sanity, and not a moment too soon.


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