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QOTD: Eric Holder

QOTD: Eric Holder

by digby

I know that he’s in the doghouse and should be roundly chastised for many things, but after watching the gleeful happy dancing all over Fox news this afternoon, I cannot help but enjoy this:

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“I am not going to stop talking now,” Holder countered as Issa objected to the attorney general’s attempts to interject.
“It is inappropriate and too consistent with the way in which you conduct yourself as a member of Congress,” Holder said. “It is unacceptable. It is shameful.”

Issa is such an unctuous little grandstander that no matter what Holder is guilty of,  he clearly deserved it.

If we’re going to go into full blown scandal mode, I demand better wingnuts please. Where’s Henry Hyde when you need him?


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