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There will always be a reason to deny aid to poor people

There will always be a reason to deny aid to poor people

by digby

To anyone who is thinking the shrinking deficit has shut down the fever for austerity, think again:

Congressional Republicans are seeking deeper cuts to nutrition programs this year even as the federal budget deficit is shrinking faster than expected.

The deficit-obsessed House GOP wanted a $16 billion cut to food assistance last year, when the deficit topped $1 trillion, and now wants a $20 billion cut this year, when the deficit is expected to be $642 billion. What gives?

“As long as were six or seven hundred billion dollars out of balance, all parts of government have to do their part to restore fiscal integrity to the system,” Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.), chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, said on Wednesday.

There’s always a reason.(And if all else fails, there’s always “dependency.”)

And, by the way, it’s only a matter of time before the Republicans get back in power, declare that happy days are here again, and start genuflecting to John Maynard Keynes’ edict that government should be cut when times are good. And it’s always a perfect day for tax cut for the job creators.


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