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Having your application scrutinized is exactly the same as being dragged from your bed by jack-booted thugs

Having your social welfare group application scrutinized is exactly the same as being dragged from your bed by jack-booted thugs

by digby

This bit from the IRS hearing last week escaped my notice until today. It’s hilarious:

Hide the children and shield the wimmin! The IRS are coming to drag you to FEMA camps, never to be seen again! Boooooohwahhhhh.

Ed Kilgore imparts a calming bit of wisdom:

People, people: the IRS wasn’t roaming around the countryside looking for Tea Party groups to persecute; it was responding (yes, poorly, no doubt) to voluntary applications for a tax exemption that has been routinely and massively abused over the years. Nobody’s doors were being kicked down; nobody was being fined or threatened, so far as we know. Yes, a benefit was delayed or withheld to which the applicants might have (or might not have) been entitled as a matter of (really bad, in my opinion) public policy. But any “monster under the bed” was entirely in their own minds, as it is in Mike Kelley’s.

This is what we used to call the paranoid strain in American politics. It isn’t confined to the right, but any means. But they are the only one’s to make such a tidy profit at it.

If I were you, I’d buy smelling salts futures. Why should they make all the money off of this nonsense?


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