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Hey progressive Los Angeles: don’t forget to vote. It’s important for today and the future

Hey progressive Los Angeles: don’t forget to vote. It’s important for today and the future.

by digby

I live in Santa Monica so I can’t vote in today’s election. But if I could I’d vote for Eric Garcetti for mayor. And if you want to know why, read Howie’s glowing endorsement. I’ll just quote the opening:

I don’t recall any L.A. Mayor going on to be President of the United States. Eric Garcetti could be the first.

(I would only add that he’s one of the most normal politicians I’ve ever met, which may just disqualify him for that office.)

He’s a real progressive and a good politician. If you’re an LA voter don’t wimp out and say it doesn’t matter. It does. He’ll be good for LA, and Lord knows this city needs some smart leadership. But we need good, smart, young progressives like Garcetti in the pipeline. This is step one.


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