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First they came for the news anchors …

First they came for the news anchors …

by digby

I hope everyone realizes that any conservative who’s been audited by the IRS over the past four years now believes it was done at the specific behest of the anti-Christ:

Local St. Louis news anchor Larry Conners was fired on Wednesday for what the station called “taking a personal political position [that created] an appearance of bias.”

After news broke about the IRS targeting Tea Party groups during the 2012 election, Conners took to his KMOV Facebook page to air a personal concern about the scandal. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Conners, who spent 27 years as an anchor at KMOV, suggested that he might have been targeted by the IRS after interviewing President Obama in 2012. Conners wrote:

I don’t accept ‘conspiracy theories,’ but I do know that almost immediately after the interview, the IRS started hammering me. … Can I prove it? At this time, no. But it is a fact that since that April 2012 interview … the IRS has been pressuring me.

He was fired. Which now makes him the Sir Thomas More of the Tea Party. The humanity.


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