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A very manly meeting of the minds

A very manly meeting of the minds

by digby

Jonathan Schwarz points out that Erik Erickson is in very prestigious political company when it comes to understanding the natural roles of men and women. For instance:

He says the tank looks beautiful when its canon is pointing forward, and a man looks great when he fights while looking ahead and when he is truthful. Citing the example of sheep and chicken, [he] says that the male species has always been charged with fighting and protecting the female.

I’ll let you click over to find out who it was.

Jonathan observes:

Erick left out the beautiful tank part, but I think it’s implied.

Indeed. It think it’s obvious that he loves a beautiful canon “pointing forward.”

Update: Apparently right winger Megyn Kelly wasn’t amused by Dobbs and Erickson’s ranting:

Someone should alert her to the fact that conservatism and “traditional values” are based upon the ideas that Erik Erickson espouses. She is the very definition of a “useful idiot” (Not to be confused with a plain old idiot, which she is not.)

She should at least be just a little bit startled by the fact that these bozos still think it’s perfectly ok to express these throwback views on national television in 2013. That says something.




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