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The NRA’s spawn

The NRA’s spawn

by digby

Yikes. This is the ricin letter than was sent to Bloomberg:

(You have to love the fact that this loon believes he has a “constitutional God given right” to own firearms. Where does that show up in the Bible exactly?)

Apparently, someone sent a similar letter to the president.

The world is full of nuts and it’s generally a mistake to assume that this is connected to anything but individual nuttiness. But this is bigger than that.

This article by Alec MacGillis reports that the NRA is dead and the gun-control movement is coming back aggressively.  I would imagine that has contributed to the paranoia.   But the fact is that there is no movement to take away this man’s guns — he’s been persuaded of it by people with a political agenda. Those people are lying and should be held at least somewhat responsible for ginning up this paranoia.

The president was moved to take up this issue because of what happened in Newtown.  There had not been any proposals on gun proliferation in years up to that point.  He reacted like any decent human being to the horror of a school full of six year olds being gunned down by a lunatic who had easy access to deadly weapons. This isn’t about politics to anyone but the NRA which needs to stoke this paranoia to stay relevant.

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