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Unintended consequences: why I’m sorry Bachman quit

Unintended consequences

by digby

This would indicate that it was the national GOP that told Bachman it was time to go:

Democrat Jim Graves, who was expected to challenge U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann in the 6th District congressional race next year, dropped out of the race Friday following Bachmann’s decision to not seek another term.

“After meeting with my closest family members, friends and supporters, we he have decided to suspend Jim Graves for Congress indefinitely,” Graves said in a statement.

“This was never about Jim Graves; this was about challenging the ineffective leadership and extremist ideology of Michele Bachmann on behalf of those she represents. As of Wednesday, that goal was accomplished, and our supporters should be incredibly proud of that accomplishment.”

That “goal” was Bachmann’s decision, announced in a pre-dawn video on Wednesday, not to seek another term.

The decision was a disappointment to Minnesota Democratic leaders, who counted on Graves to run a strong race. They immediately began a search for a replacement in what is now a wide-open race.

Depending on who replaces Bachmann as the GOP candidate, her decision could make the race much harder for any Democrat because the 6th is considered a reliably Republican district.

If the goal was the desire to chase Bachman out of the race it was shortsighted. In these races where Democrats are running against lunatic Tea Party weirdos in safe GOP districts, the point should be to win the seat so the Democrat has a chance to gain the power of incumbency and deliver for the district so they’ll see that a Democrat is a better representative.

For me, it matters little if Bachman is gone and replaced by a slightly less flamboyant wingnut who answers to the same moneyed interests and Republican extremists. It’s highly doubtful that his or her voting record will be any better. I agree that there is some utility in beating a flamboyant wingnut, if only to prove that there is a price to pay for being that nutty. But in the end, a conservative replacing a conservative doesn’t really change the dynamic much.

It’s too bad she quit. We might have had a real Democrat in that seat.


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