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Pop-tarts and vigilantes

Pop-tarts and vigilantes

by digby


So now it’s not a matter of the cops not getting there in time to do their jobs.  They don’t even bother with them. I wouldn’t want to live near anyone who wore a shirt like this.  Let’s just say I don’t think they’re responsible enough not to shoot up the neighborhood by accident.


A Maryland Republican group awarded a lifetime National Rifle Asscoiation membership to a boy who was suspended from school in March for chewing a Pop Tart into what his teacher thought was the shape of a gun.

The Anne Arundel County Republicans presented 8-year-old Josh Welch with the membership at a fundraiser on Thursday. Welch was suspended from Park Elementary School for two days because of the incident, and a lawyer has filed an appeal to remove the suspension from the boy’s record.

In an interview with Fox News, Welch has said he was trying to “turn it into a mountain but, it didn’t look like a mountain really and it turned out to be a gun [kind of].”

There’s so much stupid coming from all directions in that silly story I don’t even know where to begin. In fact, the only one with any brains seems to be the kid.


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