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Reprise: Top Secret America

Reprise: Top Secret America

by digby

Slow start this morning so I’ll put this up again to give some background on why people should be concerned about our surveillance state: the Frontline documentary called Top Secret America:

I just think that we have accepted what it is the government says we need to do without questioning how much money it costs, without questioning whether it’s effective or not. And in part we’ve done that because we’ve accepted the secrecy that surrounds it all.— Dana Priest

I know a lot of people think that because Glenn Greenwald is reporting the latest leaks that it must somehow be tainted. Is Dana Priest also tainted? How about James Risen? Marcy Wheeler? Spencer Ackerman? Jeff Merkley?

Personalizing this is absurd. This isn’t about George W. Bush or Barack Obama or Glenn Greenwald. It is about our bipartisan national security/surveillance state.


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