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Fix the Debt’s campaign keeps on chugging

Fix the Debt’s campaign keeps on chugging

by digby

The shrieking cries of the fiscal hawks may be somewhat muted with the news that the deficit is shrinking, austerity is a bust and that they’ve achieved their fondest wish of poor people suffering due to sequestration while national security contractors get rich from taxpayer dollars.

But they haven’t yet gotten their hands on the holy grail and until that happens, they will still be using their billions to git ‘er done:

(The “college president” is Mitch Daniels, Bush’s former economic advisor…)

And then there’s this blatant incitement to generational warfare:

They’re going to keep at this until a fair number of younger people see this point of view as conventional wisdom. I wish there was someone out there on the youth side that was pushing back. It could take a toll over time.

On the other hand, over time young people will get older and will experience first hand just how vital these programs are to their parents and, eventually, themselves, so maybe it’s ok for Peterson and co. to spend their money on this. Real life tends to focus the mind in ways a propaganda campaign never will.


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