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Republican Rebranding, Part XXIX: sexual orientation discrimination edition

Republican Rebranding, Part XXIX: sexual orientation discrimination edition

by David Atkins

Louie Gohmert talks about discrimination based on sexual orientation in the workplace:

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, said on Wednesday that he wasn’t “aware of exactly which one you’re talking about” when a reporter asked him about his position on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, but his attempt to dodge the question was probably more revealing than a simple yes or no answer.

After it was explained to him that the measure would prohibit discrimination in hiring and employment practices based on sexual orientation and gender identity, Gohmert told a reporter from ThinkProgress: “Who wants to go talking about sexual orientation when they’re working? Good grief.”

With Gohmert, the “evil vs. stupid” question usually comes out in favor of both.


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