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A Reasonable Man by tristero

A Reasonable Man

by tristero

The Times reviewer assures us that despite having a visceral disgust for any kind of sexual behavior he doesn’t enjoy and an opinion on human procreation that verges comically close to the notion that “every sperm is sacred,”  Professor George of Princeton is not your typical conservative bloviator. No, we are told, he is an oh-so-thoughful Serious Thinker, far removed from “the blunderings of Todd Akin and the theatrics of Rush Limbaugh.

Of course he is.

And then there’s this:

George, in other words, speaks for a sizable number of conscientious objectors to America’s ruling liberal secularism.

Ah yes, so many powerful Republicans and Democrats are such proud atheists.

Right Wing Rhetoric Watch: Secular humanism is dead; long live liberal secularism!


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