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You’ll pry my Maxipad from my cold dead hands …

You’ll pry my Maxipad from my cold dead hands …

by digby

This is unreal:

According to Jessica Luther, a freelance writer and pro-choice activist who has been coordinating much of the push-back to the proposed abortion restrictions over the past few weeks, Senate officials are confiscating any objects they believe may cause a similar disruption in the gallery during Friday’s vote. Protesters aren’t allowed to carry water bottles or even feminine hygiene products, just in case they might throw them at lawmakers.

I guess they should feel lucky they weren’t subjected to a cavity search. Transvaginal probes are on the agenda after all. Lucky for the ladies, patriarchal throwbacks believe that menstruating women are unclean so they’re highly unlikely to want to go there.

The good news is that they haven’t suspended everyone’s rights:

Even though the Texas legislature may not be comfortable with feminine hygiene products, it’s a bit more relaxed when it comes to firearms. Individuals with concealed carry licenses are permitted to bring their guns into the Senate gallery. In fact, a Texas Republican recently insinuated he might do just that during the current special session.

In a recent interview with the National Review Online, state Rep. Jonathan Strickland (R) expressed concern over becoming the target of violence as thousands of angry pro-choice activists rally at the capitol. When asked whether those concerns would inspire him to carry a hidden gun this session, he said he couldn’t legally answer that question. But he did add, “I very, very often do concealed-carry, I can say that.”

It’s good to know that if the good congressman is assaulted by an illicitly smuggled-in Maxipad he can “stand his ground” and shoot to kill. I’m sure he’d find it very frightening.


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