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Will Zimmerman be a right wing hero?

Will Zimmerman be a right wing hero?

by digby

Charles Pierce thinks so:

There will be much for George Zimmerman to do. Things may be a little rough back home, but there will be the victory tour on Fox. And the inevitable book deal. There will be the long career as a hero to the people in the communities that feel themselves besieged by assholes and fucking punks in their hoodies. There will be a long, lovely ride surfing the strange and wonderful celebrity that will befall him now because he stood up to the people who defend the rights of assholes and fucking punks to walk in their hoodies through neighborhoods where they don’t belong, according to him, George Zimmerman, American hero.

I think it could happen. Watch his brother with Pierce Morgan last night:

“There are factions, there are groups, there are people that would want to take the law into their own hands as they perceive it, or be vigilante’s in some sense. They think that justice was not served, they won’t respect the verdict no matter how it was reached and they will always present a threat to George and his family”

Yes, he really said that, without irony.

Imagine how thrilled CPAC will be to see George The Victim next year.


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