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“Reform as an aesthetic”

“Reform as an aesthetic”

by digby

This video about what’s really in the Senate Immigration Reform bill should make everyone think twice about whether it’s really worth passing. The Democrats basically agreed to a full militarization of the border in exchange for a nearly impossible obstacle course (instead of a path) to citizenship. (Seriously, if you are out of work for more than a 60 day period for six years you can’t qualify for even the first step. And that’s just for starters.)

Please take the time to watch it all if you can:

People smarter than I am say it’s now or never. But I just can’t believe this is the best we can do. The strategy is to get some atrocity out of the House so they can get it into conference. But that means we are going to see something even worse than this Senate bill. This bill has come up twice now in just five years. I think we all know that the Latino vote is a big prize that both parties are eager to grab. I have to believe we can do better than this.

Certainly, the idea that we must turn our border into the Berlin Wall with drone planes and a human chain of Border Patrol agents doesn’t seem to be in the spirit of what this bill is supposed to be about. It’s an obscene boondoggle. Particularly since we haven’t killed the austerity zombie.


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