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The neocon vs libertarian war will be fun, by @DavidOAtkins

The neocon vs libertarian war will be fun

by David Atkins

In one corner, the neocons. In the other, the libertarians. Round 1, fight!

Rep. Peter King says he’s considering a run for president because someone needs to counteract forces in the Republican Party, singling out Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

“I’ve said I certainly would consider the race and the main reason right now is to shift the debate. It bothers me when the leading Republicans out there, someone like Rand Paul, seem more concerned about an American being killed in Starbucks by a CIA drone than he is about Islamic terrorism,” the New York Republican said Friday morning on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

King acknowledged he was considering a run on Thursday after a conservative website floated his potential bid.

Popcorn. That’s all I ask. Lots of popcorn.


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