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Corporations are enlisting militias to chase terrorists. Seriously.

Corporations are enlisting militias to chase terrorists. Seriously. 

by digby

What does this look like to you?

If you said a terrorist, you are sadly mistaken:

Imagine taking a hike in your local woods and coming upon characters toting semi-automatic weapons, dressed in camo and wearing masks. Then imagine finding out they are militia-movement followers hired by a mining operation to protect against “eco-terrorists.”

That’s what’s been happening to people living in northern Wisconsin lately…

The first of these goons to show up on behalf of the Canadian mining company — Gogebic Taconite, or GTAC — that wants to rip these woods apart were employed by an outfit from Arizona called Bulletproof Securities. Then they quickly vamoosed when it emerged that they were not licensed to operate in the state of Wisconsin.
In short order, a new set of goons appeared as security for GTAC’s President, Bill Williams, in his recent appearances in Wisconsin. And these men were wearing the logos of a Patriot/militia organization called the Watchmen of America — though true to the “leaderless resistance” model of action these “Patriots” espouse, the Watchmen’s organizational leaders are denying any involvement, while in effect conceding that members may be operating in Wisconsin without their approval.
These denials are not particularly meaningful. After all, the Patriot/militia movement has been characterized by a “leaderless resistance” strategy that encourages individual “lone wolf” and small-cell action in which organizational leaders can plausibly deny responsibility and thus avoid any consequences for the actions of followers and colleagues.

As Mary Catherine O’Connor at Outside reports, this is all taking place in a context where the mining officials are labeling local protesters “eco terrorists” and using the flimsiest of pretexts to bring in militia-style thugs to intimidate the locals.

Let’s hope Americans remember that in Italy and Germany, fascists first gained political traction and moved out of the fringe of politics in the 1920s when they were hired by large landowners and businessmen as thugs to beat up and harass union organizers and land reformers, all under the rubric of calling them “communists”. This is an ominous development indeed.

Oh now, come on. These people are patriots, not terro-commies. We have no need to be concerned. They aren’t even Muslim.

More from Kate Shepard at Mother Jones on this growing phenomenon.


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