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Terrorism for dummies

Terrorism for dummies

by digby

Via @billmon I found this lovely coloring book for the kiddies about the meaning of 9/11.  Here are a couple of the nice pages for the wee ones to color:

People are crying, people are angry, people are wondering what is next? What shall we do? Help us Mr President.

That one should be especially fun for the kids. I sure hope they don’t make the mistake of coloring the wrong colors on that flag though. They’ll be in for quite a thrashing …
The following is best of all:

Being the elusive character that he was and after hiding out with this terrorist buddies in Pakistan and Afghanistan, American soldiers finally locate the terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden. Many people have helped secure his safety for nearly 10 years. 

Dubbed code name Neptune Spear the operation lasted 38 minutes, included were 23 navy seals and a dog named Cairo, no one wanted detainees. Once the American military confirmed and identified Bin Laden President Barack H. Obama had previously issued a kill order to SEAL Team Six to shoot him.  

In Bin Laden’s house Osama used his wives and children as shields as he tried to escape and get away from the American Military. But the coward Bin Laden could not escape. He was killed hiding behind the dress tail of a young woman.On May 1, 2011, Bin Laded was shot dead and the American Military wrapped him in a white blanket and buried him at sea by throwing his body overboard. Throwing his body into the sea showed him more respect than he showed to the people who died on 9/11. 

Children, the truth is that these acts were done by freedom hating radical Islamic Muslim extremists. These crazy people hate the American way of life because we are FREE and our society is FREE. We must be prepared to know and understand the truth, America is FREE. Ask your mother and father, your teacher your preacher what this really means. What does it mean to be FREE?  Why are we a FREE people? 

We are free to think, free to be honest, free to write, free to live as we wish. We are America. America does not hate other people in the world, but love the world in which we live and will defend our way of life. On the remaining pages of this book we talk about some of our freedoms and our way of life.

Here’s a little explanation of the project from the publisher:

What’s really fun is that the book contains terrorist “trading cards” just in case the little tykes want to know what to look for after all:

In describing the inherent bad nature of a terrorist, the novel features their horrific crimes. This is Good vs. Evil. We Shall Never Forget 9/11 Vol. II 

Terrorist Trading Cards clearly identifies the evil that may sit next to you on an airplane, or it could be an avowed Atheist in the parking lot of your local grocer on a sunny morning.

The world should look at them, make fun of them, name them – shame them, recognize who they are and rid the earth of them. No comic book published, nor any nightmarish fiction written, can compare to the absolute evil pictured in this book, stated, Wayne Bell Publisher. And realize as well “They” are not finished. Imagine a terrorist with a nuclear bomb.

Because we are FREE! Free to be honest, free to write, free to live as we wish…

Be sure to click over to see the trading cards in all their glory. I’m sure you’ll find it interesting to see who they included. I’m fairly sure that Ricky Gervais and Bill Maher are going to be in the update. They are, after all, avowed atheists.



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