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It looks like the Million Vet march organizers aren’t happy with the wingnuts

It looks like the Million Vet March organizers aren’t happy with the wingnuts

by digby


Official Stance of the Million Vet March on the Memorials:

The political agenda put forth by a local organizer in Washington DC yesterday was not in alignment with our message. We feel disheartened that some would seek to hijack the narrative for political gain. The core principle was and remains about all Americans honoring Veterans in a peaceful and apolitical manner. Our love for and our dedication to remains with Veterans, regardless of party affiliation or political leanings.

Feel free to check out the 60+ apolitical and peaceful rallies of the Million Vet March across the nation at our Facebook page  .

Seems they didn’t find this sort of dialog to be particularly patriotic. Sarah Palin, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Mike Lee and various congressmen who were in attendance thought it was a-ok.

I guess they think they can persuade Obama to “put the Koran down, get up off his knees” and what … resign? Because they don’t like him?

The youthful baby boomer liberals were full of arrogance and foolishness. And the aging baby boomer reactionaries are too. And except for the fact that the reactionaries have managed to take over one of the two major parties and wield tremendous political power they’re exactly the same.

Update: If you can’t view that video, try this one:


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