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The grown ups take to the TeeVee

The grown ups take to the TeeVee

by digby

A new national ad campaign is on its way to help people understand what needs to be done about our current crisis. Feel the magic:

Here are David Gregory and Dick Durbin helping that message right along:

Love Dick Durbin right in the middle of an epic standoff between the two parties, with the government closed and default on the debt looming in less than a week, talking about solving budget problems that may or may not emerge 20 years from now. Why?

Oh wait, look over here

“Countries are shocked — by wars, terror attacks, coups d’état and natural disasters.” [And manufactured crises of governance?] Then “they are shocked again — by corporations and politicians who exploit the fear and disorientation of this first shock to push through economic shock therapy.”

Update: If you think I’m being hyperbolic about this being an example of disaster capitalism, read this.


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