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Republican bunny sex

Republican bunny sex

by digby

I know it’s kind of stomach churning to even think about it. But Alex Castellanos — who does appear to be a little bit, shall we say, impaired a good part of the time, made me do it. From Raw Story:

“A friend explained to me today, finally, what Ted Cruz is doing,” Castellanos said. “And I finally understand, he’s having bunny sex.”

“This is the late-night edition of 360,” Cooper gasped.

“In nature, there are boom and bust cycles,” Castellanos continued. “The snowshoe hare, every ten years, multiplies six fold.”

“Are you high?” Cooper wondered.

“I’m high,” Castellanos admitted. “I wish I was. The snowshoe hare — I thought it’s a marvelous explanation — every ten years, multiplies six fold. Bunnies like sex apparently. But the boom produces a bust. They press their food supply, they invite predators.”

“Right now, Ted Cruz, what’s he’s doing, feels good,” the GOP strategist added. “He’s growing his supporters. It’s leading the Republican Party, I think, into a bust.”

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