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The Nuge steps up

The Nuge steps up

by digby

… to remind everyone that Cruz isn’t the only looney-tunes Ted in the Republican Party:

National Rifle Association board member and conservative columnist Ted Nugent claimed on a Florida radio station that the federal government shutdown could be resolved if the United States were “run like the Nugent household.”

He also suggested that a single person could do a better job than 5,000 federal employees and revived his previous claim that members of the military are committing suicide at a record rate because President Obama is “the enemy of the country.”

Asked how he would resolve the government shut down during his October 14 appearance on The Gater 98.7, Nugent said, “I celebrate that they’re shut down because Fedzilla is a bloated monster.”

Noting that his previous “threat” to run for president is “alive and well,” Nugent added, “I would love to see America run like the Nugent household. You get up early, you maximize your productivity, you be the best that you can be, you live within your means, you save for a rainy day and you don’t be some gluttonous, slovenly, criminal, wasteful paycheck fire-torching bastard like most of the people in politics today.”

During his rant, Nugent also blamed “liberal Democrats” for requesting funding for the government while “refus[ing] to be accountable,” and said his message to President Obama and Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is, “Eat me!”

Nugent also claimed that Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are both racists because of their involvement in the George Zimmerman trial, echoing a previous claim he made after making racially charged comments following Zimmerman’s acquittal. After Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder charges for fatally shooting unarmed Florida teenager Trayvon Martin, Nugent referred to Martin as a “dope smoking, racist gangsta wannabe.” He also claimed that African-Americans could solve “the black problem” if they just put their “heart and soul into being honest, law-abiding, [and] delivering excellence at every move in your life.” During a separate radio interview, he suggested that African-Americans be profiled like a dangerous breed of dog.

I’m pretty sure people like this exist solely to make guys like Ted Cruz look normal by comparison.


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