Don Lemon worried that ending stop and frisk will destroy the country
by digby
“So goes New York City, so goes the rest of the country,” he said of stop-and-frisk, adding his suggestion that if a new mayor “alters the equation of the formula that has reduced crime in New York City to its lowest in decades,” it could result in the “creeping back up” of crime rates, the reduction in tourism, and the suffering of “international consequences.” He posited that other major cities could follow suit.
“Whatever the mayor here decides will be reflected in your city, reflected in your crime rate, and in your economy,” Lemon concluded. “So the question is: would you rather be politically correct or safe and alive? That’s the real issue facing the citizens of New York and, pretty soon, ultimately you.”
You know what would make him feel really safe? Super-duper totally safe? If the cops were able to quarantine “suspicious” people into camps where they can’t possibly “hurt” anyone at all. Sure, innocent people would be forced into these camps too, but that’s the price we pay for safety. And think what it would do for tourism!
*I guess Lemon isn’t aware that “other cities” have experienced similar drops in crime without stop and frisk. He clearly doesn’t get out much. Let’s just say the rest of us aren’t all that worried about New York dropping their heinous policy. We have our own mayors and city councils and everything.