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QOTD: GOP Hack edition

QOTD: GOP Hack edition

by digby

It’s a tie between Karl Rove on Fox News this morning:

“I think he did himself a lot of good,” Rove said of Christie’s reaction to the scandal. “I think he did himself some good by contrasting with the normal, routine way of handing these things, which is to be evasive, to sort of trim on the edges.”

“You’ll notice we haven’t been hearing a lot from the Clinton camp about this,” he added. “Contrast both with Bill Clinton and Secretary Hillary Clinton’s handling of Benghazi.”

“There are reasons why conservatives had disagreements with Chris Christie, I don’t think that the tea party is going to seize upon Fort Lee and the George Washington Bridge as their defining difference with Christie,” Rove opined. “In fact, I think his handling of this, being straightforward, taking action — saying, ‘I’m responsible’ — firing the people probably gives him some street cred with some tea party Republicans, who say that’s what we want in a leader, somebody who steps up and takes responsibility.”

The Washington Post‘s Bob Woodward noted that the media needed to uncoverthe mindset of Christie’s staff because the decision to close the bridge “came out of that office.”

“So did Benghazi, and so did IRS… come out of appointees of President Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton!” Rove shot back. “The amount of attention paid this week to Chris Christie makes the coverage of Benghazi at the same time and the coverage of the IRS pale in significance.”

And Rudy Giuliani on This Week:

RADDATZ: I want to go back to September. Four days, thousands of Ft. Lee residents are stuck on that bridge. Chris Christie is the chief executive of that state. I can’t imagine you as New York mayor not saying what the heck is going on over there, forget that traffic study. And yet Chris Christie didn’t do that.

GIULIANI: You know, Martha, that’s always kind of simplistic after some like this happens, you know, how could it happen, how could you not have known? How did President Obama not know about the IRS targeting right wing groups? You know, massive numbers of right wing groups…

RADDATZ: But this is traffic, this affects everybody. This seems very different.

GIULIANI: Well, that affects a lot of people. And the reality is, things go wrong in an administration. And frankly, you know, he was in campaign-mode at the time, during campaign-mode you miss a lot of things. You’re not paying as much attention. We see that with Benghazi.

As you can see, the word has gone forth that the best way to deal with the Christie scandal is to whine and blubber about the bogus IRS scandal and Benghazi!

Let’s just say that they don’t have a lot of practice being on the receiving end of these sorts of feeding frenzies. Their specialty is doing the feeding. So it’s not surprising that they don’t really know how to deal with it. This is pathetic.


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