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The dumbest thing you will read all week

The dumbest thing you will read all week

by digby

From Ron Fournier, who obviously scribbled this on a cocktail napkin while under the influence of tee many martoonis at Chuck Todd’s house:

The following is a faux memo, although its contents are based upon my interviews with people close to Hillary Clinton. They spoke on condition of anonymity because: a) Clinton has not decided whether to run for president; b) she has not authorized anybody to talk about 2016 deliberations; c) her friends, family, and advisers are still in the early stages of debating strategies. This represents one point of view.

To: Hillary

From: A Few of Us

Subject: Anti-Hillary

The last we spoke as a group, you made it clear your mind wasn’t made up about 2016. We get it: You’re tired, and it’s too soon. And you’re right: By this time next year, you’ll know for certain whether you’ve got the fire in your belly, and we’ll be better able to judge voters’ attitudes toward a “third Clinton term.” (Sorry, we know you hate that phrase, but it makes a point.) Everybody on the team agrees you deserve some space.

But a few of us felt compelled to jot down some “unofficial” thoughts for you to digest during the holidays. We’re a bit worried about the nature of the team’s discussions so far. What bothers us is this: The talks are almost exclusively tactical, traditional, and safe—based on a consensus that your brand is smartly positioned for 2016 and that you would be the prohibitive favorite. A few of us think differently.

We think:

… you and everyone who reads this are total morons. Do not listen to “us” if you want to be the first woman president because you will undoubtedly throw the race to whichever sub-standard loser the Republicans manage to cough up and set back the cause of women’s rights by a century. Our “advice”,  hilarious pitched as “outside-the box” is a compilation of the most stale, tired cliches on the planet, which you can easily discern by the geriatric tropes about the necessity of changing the alleged perception of you as a calculating bitch. “We” are idiots.

Thank you.

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